About Dr. Sylvia Garnis-Jones

A practicing Dermatologist for over 25 years, Dr. Garnis-Jones’ commitment to dermatology has gained her an impressive knowledge of the various problems that affect our skin and the expertise in innovative non-invasive techniques to replenish your skin's youth.
Trained at McGill University, Dr. Garnis-Jones has since been practicing across North America. She has extensive training in the treatment and presentation of skin cancer and was director of the malignant melanoma research laboratory in Ottawa and Vancouver. Dr. Garnis-Jones has also worked in Boston, and was recognized as an international leader in her field by her election to the International Who’s Who. Later on, her commitment to skin research continued as director of the Niagara psoriasis unit, providing the only narrow-band phototherapy for psoriasis in all of southern Ontario. In addition, she was president of the North America Society of Psychotaneous Medicine and a clinical assistant professor at McMaster University in medicine.
Recently, Dr. Garnis-Jones visited the African country Rwanda and the Philippines on humanitarian missions to educate and offer assistance to low funded medical physicians and orphanages in threatened areas. Her mission to help all those in need extends beyond her humanitarian work and can be felt in how she approaches cosmetic dermatology.